
TV...a Shaitaan Box??

This month, after Ramadan, I realized one thing...

We've been working on hifz for around 6 months or so, and mashaAllah, my girls were picking up well. However these days, they're having a big trouble memorizing one surah, both of them!

Duing Ramadan, they've memorized 7 suwar, but they haven't memorized even one surah after Ramadan... It's true that we concentrated on reviewing for a while and didn't go further to study new surah, but it's been like a week or so since we started the new part, but they haven't memorized yet. I was wondering why, and found out one thing, that is... TV!!

We didn't have TV for a long time... we didn't feel a need for it, and we were having peaceful time without it. However, recently my parents have given us their used TV,thinking we must be boring without it! After that, our life has changed. Children would watch cartoons and other useless programs whenever they have time. Me and my husband would just turn on TV and see what's going on there-usually useless programs. Our house was filled with Quran recitation before, but now filled with this useless noisy sounds!! I guess it's also giving bad influences on my daughters' hifdh progress, too.

In my husband's country, they call TV a Shaitaan Box in their language. I really think it's true. It really is a Shaitaan. Of course sometimes they do have good educational programs, but most of the time, it's filled with haraam. Alhamudulillah, I'm happy that I realized again. We don't need this, really!! I asked my girls' opinions, too. They also agreed that TV is useless and harmful for the reason that we forget about Allah when we're watching it. My husband also said that he feels TV is making him lazy. So, now the case is closed, TV is going to be removed from the plug and sleep in the closet...

O Allah, please make our house filled with love of You, love of Islam, and make it filled with the sweet sound of Quran always...Ameen!!

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