
Dealing with a toddler...

Here I am, still having the timing problem... The main problem is the one-year-old son. He just can't sit and play like before when we're schooling. He cries asking me to carry, or breastfeed, or just to get some attentions. Carrying him is OK, I can carry him and still continue schooling, but he won't be satisfied with it, that's why it's been difficult these days. Plus the day is becoming shorter everyday due to the season change, which makes me feel more running out in time.

As I wrote before, he was OK before, he would sit and play with toys nicely when both of his sisters were being schooled, or one of them would sit with him and play when the other one is being schooled. Maybe it's just he's feeling irritated because he's having runny nose these days, or maybe he's now grown up and not like a small baby as he was before...

The problem is I haven't been able to finish all the daily routine(Quran lesson, Hifz, Ad-Duha , and Calvert...) these days, even if I did, I get very exausted at the end of the day... Ad-Duha actually doesn't take much time, but the Quran lesson takes about 2 hours, and the Calvert takes about 3 hours I guess, only if I don't get interruputed by the boy. Usually it takes more time for I have to stop and deal with him several times during the class... Maybe I should do the Quran lesson after fajr... My girls don't get up for fajr for now, but if they do get up, that might be a quiet peaceful studying time for them, inshaAllah...Well, I'd like to give it a try maybe from next week, inshaAllah... Hope that'd be a good solution.

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